Street Food Park vol. 38

Location: Bratislavský kraj, Bratislava

GPS: N48°8'41'' E17°6'41''

Venue: Bratislava

Date: 2/25/2020 - 2/28/2020

Event type: Carnival, gastronomic event, market, event for children, event for youth, TIP

The first Street Food Park in 2020 is here! Come and enjoy tasty food, drinks and nice atmosphere at the break of the Shrovetide and Lent from Tuesday to Friday.

A popular event with great atmosphere, well-known for tasty street food, the Street Food Park in February will be again on the square in the interior of the Old Market Hall in Bratislava's Old Town. Join all other streetfood fans from 25th till 28th of February for some yummy street food and drinks.

The regular Bratislava Street Food Park is a street food event on the square in front of the Old Market Hall. For the twenty-third time it will present the best vendors of high-quality and original street food in a nice atmosphere. Meat lovers, vegans, sweets lovers – everyone will be satisfied.

This event follows the Zero Waste philoshophy that means minimum possible waste. There are 2 recyclation points with assistents, who will instruct you how to sort the waste into the right bins.

Web: Street Food Park
