Carnival Slovakia Žilina

Location: Žilinský kraj, okres Žilina, Žilina

GPS: N49°13'25'' E18°44'22''

Venue: Žilina

Date: 2/14/2020

Event type: theatre festival, Carnival, folklore event, gastronomic event, TOP Event, multi-genre festival, event for children, dance event, event for youth, music event

Every year the international festival of carnival masks revives the town of Žilina. The carnival is considered to be both one of the biggest events in Žilina as well as the biggest carnival festival in Slovakia. Throughout the festival, a great number of various masks and curious creatures, ogres or monsters move and make fun in the streets of the town. They dance, sing, and simply have fun.

One of the main Carnival Slovakia Žilina attractions are "heavenly" flying masks, who are roped down from the tower of the Church of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle on St. Mary's Square.

The festival is always accompanied by a carnival king and queen. There are also typical Slovak traditions linked with Shrovetide – pig-sticking and "burying a bass", a symbolic burial of a double bass symbolizes the end of festivities. Carnival masks not only from Slovakia but also from abroad take part in the festival.

During the Carnival Slovakia Žilina event, there are hundreds of masks celebrating and amusing themselves, coming from the neighbouring regions of Slovakia as well as Poland and Czechia. Costumes have a non-recurring art character, typical for this region, unique in Europe and so different from other carnival cities around the world. Streets are full of stalls offering local foods, performers and folklore artists. There is a local attraction of flying masks - falling from tall buildings.

Author: февраля 2020 года

Web: Tourist Information Office Žilina
