The unique natural setting and abundant historic and cultural monuments make the region very attractive. Mountains rich in forests cover most of its surface.
The most valuable natural assets are protected in the National Park of Malá Fatra and the Protected Landscape Areas of Kysuce and the Strážovské vrchy Mts.
Assets created by man are also valuable. The region boasts an unusual number of castles and historic buildings such as manor houses and curias from different periods, which can be found almost in every village. The most valuable castles are those of Budatín and Bytča. The oldest historic architectural monuments are the ruins of numerous medieval castles usually situated on top of hills. The Castles of Strečno, Starý hrad, Lietava, Hričovský hrad or Súľovský hrad inspire admiration of skills of old builders. The reconstructed squares of Žilina or Rajec are the Town Monument Reserves.
Folk architecture can be seen in several villages of the environs of Žilina. Many of them have been moved to the Open-Air Museum in Vychylovka, the locality also known for its picturesque forest railway.
The whole region was famous for its craftsmen who were mostly involved in peddling and the tinkers trade in the past. The trade eventually developed into an art and its products can be admired in the unique Museum in Budatín dedicated to the subject.
The wonderful natural setting of the spa Rajecké Teplice provides not only therapeutic treatment to local and foreign visitors of this spa but also relaxation and hiking in its environs.
Districts: Považská Bystrica, Žilina, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Bytča, Čadca, partly Púchov.
Source: Vydavateľstvo DAJAMA