Ranč Nádej Svätý Anton
Location: Banskobystrický kraj, okres Banská Štiavnica, Svätý Anton
GPS: N48°25'10'' E18°56'8''
Basic facts
- Accommodation capacity (max amount of beds incl. extra beds): 35
Ranč Nádej Svätý Anton
Katarína Durbáková
Na Záhumní 499
969 72 Svätý Anton
Phone: +421 (0)915/868 174
E-mail: katkadurbakova@gmail.com
Web: www.ranc-nadej.sk
- 1
Payment options
- cash
Seasonal sports
- cross-country skiing
- hockey
- swimming
- diving
- fishing
- sledging
- snowboarding
- downhill skiing
- basketball
- cycling
- soccer
- horse riding
- rock climbing
- table tennis
- tennis
- hiking
- volleyball
Accommodation facility equipment
- apartment
- central location
- izba bez WC
- rooms with separate beds
- café and/or bar
- fireplace
- additional bed possible
- nonsmoking rooms
- dogs allowed
- restaurant
- spoločné sprchy
- boarding in the area within 500 m
- guarded parking
- terace, garden restaurant
- public transport within 500 m
- outside hearth
- equipment and services for children
