
Location: Trenčiansky kraj, okres Púchov, Púchov

GPS: N49°7'28'' E18°19'30''

The surroundings of the city PÚCHOV in middle Považie teem with rich archaeological findings from the prehistoric regions of today’s Slovakia. Most of them belong to the bearers of the Púchov culture, which got its name after this city.

The city of  PÚCHOV (18 660 citizens) lies in the picturesque basin of the river Váh, on the boundary of the Biele Karpaty, Javorníky and Strážovské vrchy mountains. Amongst the most attended events in the city are the Folklore Púchov (June), the Púchovský jarmok fair (third Saturday in September), and the Mikulášsky jarmok fair (First Saturday in December).

Púchov is justly proud of its quality sporting facilities. Two sports halls, a soccer stadium, an open and closed pool and tennis courts.


The first written registration of Púchov dates back to 1243. In the gift decree fromking Béla IV., a man named Puch is mentioned, the owner of the settlement with the same name. Púchov was founded after the population moved from the devastated settlement near the Púchov "Skala", which archaeologists classify as one of the most intensely resided location in prehistoric times and early human history. The term “Púchov culture” represents the settlement of the mountainous parts of today’s Slovakia in the period of five centuries during the turn of calendar eras.

Besides traditional crafts such as potterybaize crafting and book printing, Púchov is famous for its blueprinting, which was the only manufacture of its kind in Slovakia, used to decorate Púchov’s folk costumes.


From historical buildings, the Župný dom housing the Archeological Museum of Púchov Culture remains in good condition. It also serves as a ceremonial and representational area of the city. The most important cultural monuments are thechurches – two Roman Catholic and one Evangelic. A memorial vicarage on the Moravská ulica street is related to two personalities – Vladimír Roy and Ján Amos Komenský.

On the location of the former Marczibányi garden, there’s a recreational area bearing the same name and serving as a reminder of the destroyed times of Púchov’s history. A pedestrian cruise area was built in 2006. One of its interesting elements is thesidewalk fountain in the style of the historical finding from the Púchov „Rock“.


Artificial lakes Priehrada mládeže Nosice, the Nimnica spa and ponds in the city part all lure visitors to use their offerings. Ski resorts Lazy pod Makytou – Čertov, Lysá pod Makytou and Mojtín provide great opportunities for skiing during winter.

Source: Mesto Púchov