Best short animated films from around the world. Films awarded at international festivals. A mixture of various animation techniques, genres and entertainment. A total of 20 best animated films from 14 countries.
Animated, short, various genres. No dialogues, English friendly. International Festival of Short Animated Films comes to Trenčín's Artkino Metro Cinema the 31st of October, 2018.
The festival is an international competition and online platform that serves to support the animated short films and their creators. At the same time it serves to the promotion, propagation, retrieval and watching possibilities of the best animated short films from around the world.
It should also be a place where community of creative people that producing these films meet. On the other hand, then the place for people who enjoy watching of these films and that are fans of this kind of art.
AninetFest is an international short animated film festival where only the 20 best films from all over the world compete. Over 1400 films from more than 100 countries have been submitted for this year's 4th edition of the festival. Selecting competing films has relatively tough criteria, so the final 20 films are really just the most interesting selection. Four-minute films on average without dialogue are diverse both in their themes and genres, introducing various animation techniques and processing to the viewers.
Those who want to vote for the best film can do so after the screening. You can participate in deciding which film will win the festival's trophy in the "Audience Award for the Best Film" category.
Web: AninetFest International Festival of Short Animated Films