The wooden bridge in Kolárovo is the longest bridge built all from wood in Europe.
The bridge over the river Malý Dunaj is 86 metres long and 2.25 metres wide. It has no concrete pillars or other pre-fabricated parts. The copy of the now disappeared bridge from the 1950s was built by the local conservationist in what is the record nine days in 1992 who used the memories of locals who remembered what it looked like.
The original bridge was only 60 metres long. Floating ice blocks destroyed it. Even today, when the water table drops, the original bridge pillars can be seen in water. The length of the bridge has been expanded by 24 metres what makes it today the longest bridge of its kind in Europe.
The major part of the bridge is made of especially treated locust wood. The life of the bridge is expected to be about 150 years. The bridge leads to the local attraction – the floating mill.
Source: Vydavateľstvo Dajama