The Duke Stibor Cup Archery Tournament

Location: Trenčiansky kraj, okres Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Beckov

GPS: N48°47'27'' E17°53'54''

Venue: Beckov

Date: 9/28/2019

Event type: sports event, exhibition, historic event, event for children, event for youth, music event, TIP

In honour of Duke Stibor of Stiboricz, the voivode of Transylvania, the 15th annual archery tournament will take place in the premises of his residence, the Beckov Castle.

The tournament is traditionally a great sporting event at the castle. Classical guided tours will be however provided throughout the day. As part of the castle's tour, you can watch mastership of archers in period costumes, making the tour even more interesting. Live music by Vrbovské Vŕby band will make the day more pleasant and inspiring for the contestants, but also for the visitors.

Web: Trenčín Region Tourist Board
