Carnival season is the time of parties, balls, festivities and dances. It is the period from Epiphany until Ash Wednesday, followed by forty day fast. Also in Malá Fatra this time is the time of transition from winter to spring associated with dances, carnival parades, carnivals or hog-killing. Malá Fatra region is where the carnival tradition is not just a word or left-over. They are a real celebration and expressions of joy and hospitality. Discover more of Malá Fatra during the carnival, have fun, feast and sing with locals.
Region metropolis Žilina each year at the end of February revives with the festival of carnival masks.
Carnival Slovakia Žilina is the biggest carnival in
Slovakia. Masks, strange creatures and sundry monsters have fun, dance and sing in the streets. Each year the carnival king and queen accompany the visitors of the festival. A fanciful
carnival program is prepared in Žilina also this year. Enjoy and taste the taste of c the
carnival in the city. The 16th year Žilina festival of carnival masks will be held in St. Mary's Square on Friday, February 21
st, 2020.
When you go from Žilina to Terchovská Valley, the first village that you will go through will be Teplička nad Váhom. Shrovetide celebration is here, in the village whose history is connected with the name of Countess Žofia Bosniaková, customary since time immemorial. The traditional carnival procession walked the village since early morning. Men and women, dressed in costumes, by music and singing announced that the bride and groom and the wedding garment were approaching. "Masks" joked, sang and danced. The residents were waiting for a hamper in the form of domestic eggs, bacon and sweet donuts with jam. During the day a big hog-killing was held and after it got dark fun began at which the bass was buried. Carnival traditions in Teplička nad Váhom still live. Local folklore group Stranik will convince you about it already on Saturday, February 8
th. Come and see, you will definitely not regret.
Bela municipality is famous not only for excellent ice cream but also for the best Slovak
caravan site of 2013. Carnival in this village is characterized by a unique atmosphere to be experienced - local music, the smell of the right hog-killing cabbage or other traditional pork products. Horse carriage with cheerful entourage of local youths in contemporary masks of “turon” really cheers up everyone. Carnival festivity is being prepared for Saturday, February 22
nd. Since the morning hours there will feasting, dancing, singing in front of the local cultural house to. Join and you also try a taste of true hog cabbage soup.
In Terchová at the occasion of carnival, the race of farmyardy horses is held annually, associated with shrove hog killing. The 18th year of the Race of farmyardy horses will take place also this year in the area under the statue of Juraj Jánošík in Terchová on Saturday, February 22
nd from 10.00 am.
Also the Kysuce part of our region retains the carnival traditions of their ancestors. In the mountain village of Zborov nad Bystricou, the day before Ash Wednesday, i.e. on Tuesday, traditionally a “patrol down the village with “Turon” ” takes place, prepared by a local folk group Zborovanka. Here, too, on Saturday, February 22nd, a carnival festivity associated with the burial of the bass and an entertaining skit performed by local enthusiasts, is planned.
District Tourist Board Malá Fatra