Mountain hotel Kráľova studňa - Kráľova studňa - Sedlo pod Smrekovom - Rakytovská dolina - Juriášovo - Blatnica (4 1/4 hours)
Mountain range: Veľká Fatra (NP Veľká Fatra)
Region: Turiec, Horehronie
Starting point: Mountain hotel Kráľova studňa, parking lot, district Banská Bystrica.
Finishing point: Blatnica, bus stop, parking lot, district Martin.
Time schedule: Mountain hotel Kráľova studňa - Kráľova studňa 1/4 h - Sedlo pod Smrekovom 3/4 h - Rakytovská dolina 1 3/4 h - Juriášovo 1/2 h - Blatnica 1 h.
Map: Veľká Fatra, 1 : 50 000 (sheet 121), VKÚ, a. s., Harmanec.
Description of the route: Moderately demanding and very interesting route, although a considerable part of it runs in the long and forested Blatnická dolina valley on asphalt road. Only its first part as far as Smrekov offers views.
The Blatnická dolina valley is somewhat shorter than its neighbour Gaderská dolina valley, but it is also very interesting. The hikers use it as the starting point from the region of Turiec to the area of the Krížna Mt. and Kráľova studňa. In the lower part of the valley is a conspicuous rock form called Skalné okno (The Rock Window).
Source: Vydavateľstvo Dajama