Štúrovský jarmok fair is the biggest one in the new history of the region of Podunajsko. Stall-holders, entertainers and visitors come from both banks of the river Danube to take part in it.
The beginnings of this fair go back to the epoch of Turkish occupation, but it was as late as in 1724 that the king Charles IV of Habsburg gave the town the right to organise four fairs a year. From these four fairs only this one held in autumn has been preserved.
Štúrovský jarmok fair is organised during the three days on St. Simon and St. Jude day, which is in the second half of October. The inhabitants of town enjoy the rich offer of market goods and craftsmens products. There is a lot of entertainment including cultural events, comedians, shooting galleries and merry-go-rounds which tempt the visitors, buyers or lookers.
Good food, drinks and anything that makes a good atmosphere cannot be omitted.
Source: Vydavateľstvo DAJAMA