St. Nicholas Ride by Steam Locomotive to Smolenice

Location: Trnavský kraj, okres Trnava, Smolenice

GPS: N48°30'21'' E17°25'48''

Venue: Bratislava - Smolenice

Date: 12/7/2019

Event type: gastronomic event, Christmas, TOP Event, event for children, event for youth, workshop

You are invited to the traditional St. Nicholas Ride by the 498.104 Albatross steam locomotive. The traditional raffle and competition in drawn a locomotive will not be missing.

On December 7th, 2019, on the route Bratislava Main Railway Station - Bernolákovo - Senec - Sládkovičovo - Galanta - Sereď - Leopoldov - Trnava - Smolenice and back through Jablonica - Senica - Kúty - Malacky - Zohor to Bratislava, an unforgettable trip is awaiting you, accompanied by St. Nicholas and the devil who will distribute, apart from good cheer, packages with sweets. 

Enjoy the atmosphere of the late autumn countryside behind the window during this nostalgic ride dedicated to Saint Nicholas.

Web: Albatross Club
