Škoda Bike Open Tour in Slovak Paradise

Location: Košický kraj, okres Spišská Nová Ves, Hrabušice

GPS: N48°58'32'' E20°24'32''

Venue: Slovak Paradise

Date: 9/8/2018

Event type: sports event, TOP Event, event for youth

This mountain cycle marathon has a special route intended not just for active athletes to complete, but also is suitable for beginner cyclists and children accompanying their parents, with the route threading its way through an attractive area of the northern Slovak Paradise.

This gorgeous part of the Slovak Paradise is the starting point for rides past the gorges of Suchá Belá, Prielom Hornádu, Piecky, Veľký Sokol, Sokolia Dolina and Kysele, to the observation area at Tomášovský Výhľad and historic Kláštorisko, turning the cycling route into Slovakia’s own traditional bicycle marathon.

In Škoda, they love the movement of the wheels and not just talking about cars. The car is the means that you and your bike are imported to start. To promote cycling in Slovakia, we invite you to a unique mountain bike tour around Slovakia. Enjoy the race designed for everyone or come and experience the unique atmosphere of these events. For all ready competitions and many other attractions.

Cycling has a brand ŠKODA close links going back deep into the past. Currently producing bicycles in 1895 began to write the success story Mladá Boleslav car. Eleven years ago it has become a partner of Škoda's most popular cycling race in the world - the Tour de France and Vuelta. This season, Škoda also enters into Slovak cycling. As a partner of the biggest event in the Road Cycling Tour of Slovakia, as well as an umbrella for a series of mountain marathons under the name Škoda Bike Open Tour.

Tour consists of six races from Slovakia in different age and performance categories. Participation is open to all fans of mountain biking and registered cyclists and cycling enthusiasts or children. The series is in full swing.

Your children will surely enjoy a great atmosphere throughout the whole day with their families, so, riders, definitely do not let your beloved home. It will be a cool ride with lots of fun activities full of laughter, joy of victories and big emotions for the "highs", too. Škoda also prepared attractive town with activities for children and adults.

Expert trainer to regional cycling and an active competitor Cycling guru will here in Slovak paradise advise how to deal with cycling, where to take the family out in the region, how to attract the children to enjoy it, what for a bike to buy for children, and many other such insider tips. Hostesses and a mascot will be also be present.
Take the bike, family and friends and go to the next race Škoda Bike Open Tour. Whether you compete or encourage in any case can have fun and experience the unique atmosphere.

This event is supported by National Tourism Portal slovakia.travel

Web: Škoda Bike Open Tour Slovak Paradise
