Saint Urban's Day of Open Wine Cellars

Location: Bratislavský kraj, Bratislava

GPS: N48°10'36'' E16°59'2''

Venue: Little Carpathians

Date: 5/24/2019 - 5/25/2019

Event type: gastronomic event, market, TOP Event, event for youth

The 13th annual traditional event, associated with the opening of the season on the Little Carpathian Wine Route runs from 24 to 25 of May, 2019.

To celebrate the work of those under patronage of Saint Urban of Langres, with a valid and complete ticket you can taste wines from the Little Carpathian wine producers in more than 100 cellars from Bratislava's Devín to villages in Trnava surroundings.

Web: Bratislava Region Tourism
