Podpolianske Museum Detva

Location: Banskobystrický kraj, okres Detva, Detva

GPS: N48°33'34'' E19°25'8''

The Podpolianske Museum in Detva was founded by the City of Detva on February 1, 1994. Its primary mission is the research, collection, documentation, professional processing, and preservation of both tangible and intangible artifacts from the Podpoľanie region.

Special attention is given to the region’s traditional values and history. Although the idea for the museum originated in the interwar period, it began to take shape after 1989. The museum’s collection was largely formed in the 1990s, thanks to the enthusiasm of employees and local residents who gathered valuable folk culture items. As of December 31, 2023, the museum manages 6,714 collection items, divided into ethnographic, historical, and archaeological collections. The most significant portion is the ethnographic collection, which comprises items acquired through purchase, donation, collection, or transfer of archaeological finds.

Since 2008, the museum has been part of the Andrej Sládkovič Cultural Center in Detva but remains under the administration of the City of Detva. Since 2014, it has been housed in the former Municipal Office building at SNP Square 1. The museum offers two permanent exhibitions and two long-term displays, while also hosting various short-term exhibitions throughout the year. In the museum’s courtyard, a small exhibition of wooden crosses showcases the diversity of the museum’s collection.

The entrance hall is adorned with a restored wooden pillar, carved by the Fekiač brothers in the 1930s, and a monumental, 5-meter-high roadside cross from Hriňová, dating back to 1848–1864, one of the oldest wooden crosses in the region. The museum also organizes cultural and educational events, lectures, seminars, workshops, and other activities for visitors of all ages.

Permanent Exhibitions

Slovak Folk Musical Instruments (Instrumentum Excellens FSP Detva 2001–2020)
This exhibition showcases folk musical instruments from the prestigious national competition "Instrumentum Excellens," held in Detva from 2001 to 2010 and 2017 to 2019. Opened on November 30, 2020, the exhibit is interactive and educational, featuring modern graphic design elements.

Ovce moje, ovce... Shepherding Culture in Podpoľanie (2009)
This exhibition focuses on the traditions of shepherding, sheep farming, and bryndza production in the Podpoľanie region. It also highlights the history of the Vagač family and the founding of Slovakia’s first bryndza cheese factory in 1787. In 2012, an interactive replica of a shepherd’s hut was added to the display.

Permanent Displays

Detva in the Context of the Vígľaš Manor (2012)
This historical display provides an overview of Detva’s history and the Vígľaš Manor, including its architectural transformations and important historical milestones in Detva’s development.

From Detva to the Sea... Július Juraj Thurzo, the First Slovak Sea Captain (2015)
This display highlights the life and career of Július Juraj Thurzo, the first Slovak sea captain, a native of Detva.

Carved Wooden Crosses (2021)
This small exhibition in the museum’s courtyard features a collection of authentic carved wooden crosses from the Detva cemetery, showcasing traditional Podpoľanie motifs.

Source: Podpolianske múzeum Detva, MsÚ Detva