This year is already the eighth year in which the village of Hrabušice and the Slovak Tourist Board have prepared a rich cultural programme for both domestic and foreign visitors as part of the opening of the summer tourist season.
There will be a hike along the Prielom Hornádu gorges: Suchá Belá, Veľký Sokol, Piecky, Kyseľ, Klaštorisko. The visitors can also enjoy horseback riding throughout the day; the horses will be available before the entrance to Suchá Belá. The opening of the summer tourist season will also include the opening ceremony of the newly built gateway to Podlesok.This year, a new attraction for visitors throughout the day will be demonstrations made by the Slovak Microlight Aviation Federation at the Podlesok airport, where visitors can try out the microlight flying techniques. Mountain bike rentals will be available for bicycle tourists as well.
Source: Obec Hrabušice