Festival of Castle Stories

Location: Trenčiansky kraj, okres Prievidza, Bojnice

GPS: N48°46'48'' E18°34'40''

Venue: Bojnice Castle

Date: 5/16/2019 - 5/19/2019

Event type: theatre festival, exhibition, TOP Event, multi-genre festival, historic event, event for children, event for youth

The Festival of Castle Stories at Bojnice Castle is an event which loosely follow up the successful International Festival of Ghosts and Spectres. It is based on the visionary architectural ideas of count John Francis Pálffy, the ideas about the romantic castle in Bojnice.

This Festival is diverting from spirituality and ghosts. Attention is mainly focused on the beauty of the past, the poetic of the stories and magic of art.

Web: Bojnice Museum of the Slovak National Museum
