Salamander Days

5 – 7 September 2024
Banská Štiavnica – Banská Bystrica Region

Town festivities, celebrations of miners, geologists, metallurgists and oil workers, a celebration of the rich history of Banská Štiavnica and traditions, and good fun – all of this together make up the Salamander Days. Their tradition was started by students of the famous Mining Academy. Salamander Days have been held annually since the 1990s, and in addition to the historic Salamander procession, they are also full of music, a traditional fair and other amusements. Salamander Days is currently a small city festival with music of various genres, events for children (theatrical performances, falconers, animation programmes, fencers, etc.), exhibitions, a parade and markets, as well as additional programmes.
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Radvaň Fair

5 – 8 September 2024
Banská Bystrica – Banská Bystrica Region

The tradition of fairs has been linked with the history of Banská Bystrica since the 17th century. The origins of the Radvaň Fair stretch back to the reign of Leopold I Habsburg, who first issued a charter to Radvaň to organise this event 369 years ago. Thus, the first fair in this then independent village took place in 1657. Over time, it became one of the most important fairs in Hungary at the time. It was celebrated mainly for its high-quality and diverse goods, as sellers from diverse regions, from far and near, came to the fair with their wares. A children’s toy, which became the theme of the 366th edition of the Radvaň Fair, had and still has a place among the varied assortments. Visitors this year can look forward not only to a lot of toys, but also to other craft products, fair specialties, a cultural programme and amusing attractions. The Radvaň Fair is listed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Slovakia.

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Middle Ages under the Walls

14 – 15 September 2024
Trnava – Trnava Region

During the weekend of the Traditional Trnava Fair, on 14 – 15 September, swordsmen and knights with their entourages will camp in the town of Tyrna beyond the ancient walls of the city, in the Anton Bernolák Garden. Children will be able to jump off the merry-go-rounds and into the times of the Middle Ages, when wheat porridge was cooked, simple pancakes were baked and the hands of time turned much more slowly. The Middle Ages under the Walls has been the inseparable part of the Traditional Trnava Fair for 12 years now. It’s a place where warriors can coexist with knights and dragon slayers, take part in period dances, try their hand at archery, a family catapult and traditional quilting and visit a farmer’s yard.
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