Street Food Park

17 July – 21 July 2024
Bratislava – Bratislava Region

Once every month Street Food Park brings vendors offering high-quality and imaginative street food. In a pleasant atmosphere and “at a stand” in the company of friends, colleagues or acquaintances you can partake of lunch, a late snack or refresh yourself before the evening programme in the city. Street Food Park is held throughout the year from March to October on the square in front of the Old Market Hall.

The Spiš Market

18 July – 21 July 2024
Spišská Nová Ves – Košice Region

The Spiš Market is the largest and most popular event in Spišská Nová Ves, and most residents of the town and its surrounding area plan to take part in it a long time in advance. The town centre is closed to traffic and the entire long, lenticular square is dotted with stands displaying colourful goods and fair delicacies. Children and young people most enjoy the carousels and adrenaline attractions. The event also offers a rich accompanying cultural programme of music, dance and theatrical performances.

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Wine Market in Modra

20  July 2024
Modra – Bratislava Region

A regularly held modern market right in the centre of Modra on the square. A wide selection of Modra wines, craft foods, Modra ceramics and gastronomic specialties in a cozy atmosphere from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The wine market is varied, and the offer of wines is constantly changing, so do not miss your chance to taste one of the 100 wines available on the market. You can purchase a mini-tasting on the spot. The wine market in Modra is always supplemented by food for every occasion – for lunch and in the early evening. Local producers of sweets, desserts and cakes, pastries and cheeses will offer you the best they have on offer, while Modra ceramicists and all kinds of handmade fashion and home accessories always find refuge here.

(for English, use the automatic  Microsoft Translator or Google Translator)