Bratislava City Days

20 April – 21 April 2024
Bratislava – Bratislava region

The popular city festival will once again energise the streets of Bratislava. The city-wide festival Bratislava City Days has been among the most popular and sought-after events on the city’s calendar since 2003. This weekend, full of experiences, opens each year with the symbolic unsealing of the city gates and a historical procession attended by the mayor. It continues with the opening of the Primate’s Palace to the public and the opening of the premises of city organisations, which present their work and activities. Visitors to the festival can take free tours and take part in creative workshops, as well as competitions, river cruises, rides in historic vehicles, presentations, exhibitions and many other interesting programmes and events for young and old alike. Bratislava City Days provides a rich cultural programme in various places with the goal of connecting the city as a whole while also offering more smaller formats in various locations and city districts of Bratislava.

United Europe Jazz Festival

25 April – 28 April 2024
Banská Bystrica – Banská Bystrica region

Concerts by domestic and foreign jazz bands will take place from 25 to 28 April 2024 on Námestie SNP, in the premises of the Robotnícky dom (Workers’ House) and at the Hogo Fogo Jazz & Art Club. The organiser of the international four-day festival is the city of Banská Bystrica. The festival also includes an audiovisual exhibition April – Jazz Appreciation Month which the State Science Library in Banská Bystrica will prepare in its premises. Link to buy tickets is available on the official website.