Kúpeľná 109
96271 Dudince
In the vicinity
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
29 km | Geoparks
42 km | Natural curiosities
Protected landscape area Štiavnické vrchy
46 km | Protected areas
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
19 km | Open-air museums and folk architecture
19 km | Open-air museums and folk architecture
27 km | Castles, chateaux and manor houses
30 km | Castles, chateaux and manor houses
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
19 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
29 km | October
The Festival Hontianska paráda (August)
32 km | August
36 km | September
41 km | September
41 km | August
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
16 km | Events
19 km | Events
Days of Abundance under the Sitno
28 km | Events
The Non-Traditional Levice Fair
28 km | Events
30 km | Events
16 km | Events
19 km | Events
Days of Abundance under the Sitno
28 km | Events
The Non-Traditional Levice Fair
28 km | Events
30 km | Events
16 km | Events
19 km | Events
Days of Abundance under the Sitno
28 km | Events
The Non-Traditional Levice Fair
28 km | Events
30 km | Events
16 km | Events
19 km | Events
Days of Abundance under the Sitno
28 km | Events
The Non-Traditional Levice Fair
28 km | Events
30 km | Events
16 km | Events
19 km | Events
Days of Abundance under the Sitno
28 km | Events
The Non-Traditional Levice Fair
28 km | Events
30 km | Events
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
< 1 km | Spas and wellness
< 1 km | Aquaparks and thermal swimming pools
14 km | Farms and ranches
14 km | Towns
Hont Museum and Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery in Šahy
15 km | Museums and galleries
29 km | October
The Festival Hontianska paráda (August)
32 km | August
36 km | September
41 km | September
41 km | August
Time in Slovakia
21:10 (monday 10. february 2025)