Cycling route through the Žitný ostrov - part of the International Danube Cycling Route

Location: Trnavský kraj, okres Dunajská Streda, Dunajská Streda

GPS: N47°59'36'' E17°36'32''

Dunajská Streda - Water Works Gabčíkovo - Medveďov - Zlatná na Ostrove - Komárno (73,5 km)

Situation: Podunajská nížina
Region: Podunajsko

Starting point: Dunajská Streda, bus stop, railway station, parking lot, district Dunajská Streda.
Finishing point: Komárno, bus stop, railway station, parking lot, district Komárno.

Route: Dunajská Streda - Water Works Gabčíkovo (14,5 km) - Medveďov (14 km) - Zlatná na Ostrove (32 km) - Komárno (13 km)
Map: Bratislava - Podunajsko, 1:100 000 (sheet 7), VKÚ, a. s., Harmanec.

Description of the route: Practically flat route running on state roads and the dike of the Danube. It is part of the International Danube Cycling Route and orientation is easy.
The route will take you from the principal town of Žitný ostrov, Dunajská Streda (thermal swimming pool) around the Gabčíkovo Dam, along the middle part of the International Danube Cycling Route to Komárno (Courtyard of Europe, thermal swimming pool), an important port on the Danube. It facilitates the visit to the Protected Landscape Area of Dunajské luhy with the National Nature Reserve of the Číčovské mŕtve rameno.

Source: Vydavateľstvo Dajama