Carnival traditions in Teplička nad Váhom located on way from Žilina to Terchovská Valley are still alive. Local Folklore Group Straník will convince you about it on Saturday, March 2nd. Come and see, you will definitely not regret.
Shrovetide celebrations are here, in the village whose history is connected with the name of Countess Žofia Bosniaková, customary since time immemorial. The traditional carnival procession walked the village since early morning. Men and women, dressed in costumes, by music and singing announced that the bride and groom and the wedding garment were approaching.
"Masks" joked, sang and danced. The residents were waiting for a hamper in the form of domestic eggs, bacon and sweet donuts with jam. During the day a big hog-killing was held and after it got dark fun began at which the bass was buried.
Municipality of Teplička nad Váhom