Beneath the Roháče Folk Feasts

Location: Žilinský kraj, okres Tvrdošín, Zuberec

GPS: N49°15'36'' E19°39'36''

Venue: Zuberec

Date: 8/2/2019 - 8/4/2019

Event type: folklore event, gastronomic event, market, exhibition, TOP Event, music festival, event for children, dance event, event for youth, workshop

The summer festival of singing and dancing located under majestic Roháče mountains is the greatest and the oldest one of the regularly organised folklore events in the region of Orava.

Since 1975, the festival takes place at the beginning of August in the natural amphitheatre above the village of Zuberec and in the Museum of Orava Village. This spectacular event is a threeday session presenting traditional folk culture. A traditional fair forms an integral part of this folk culture celebration.

At this event, special attention is given to Gorals. This ethnographic group of people inhabits the area around the borders of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. They have common cultural atributes, including songs and dances.

Every year more than thousand of performers from Slovakia and other European countries are presented here. Since the first years the most frequent foreign participants have been the Polish ensembles, especially from Goral regions that are very close to the Slovak Gorals through their similar language, customs, songs and dances.

The festival always finishes by a gala-programme and a traditional fair is also part of it.

This event is supported by National Tourism Portal

This event is financially supported by Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic

Web: Žilina Region Tourist Board
