Are you looking for romantic places to spend moments with your beloved, where no masses of tourists or work over-motivated individuals would disturb you? These quiet corners of Slovakia should not disappoint you.
1. "Kopanice" areas of Myjava regionTaste traditional specialities of folk cuisine and quality distillates, have a walk through fruit groves and experience excellent folklore at one of the biggest folklore festivals in Slovakia.

2. Wine cellars around Trnava
Internationally acclaimed wines, romance of vineyards, quiet churches in the "Slovak Rome" and legendary castles (Smolenice, Červený Kameň).

3. Manor houses of Nitra and Danubeland regions
Try the comfort and elegance of old Hungarian aristocracy - in Topoľčianky, Oponice, Mojmírovce or Belá.

4. Traditions and secluded settlements of the Podpoľanie region
The contemplative sound of the fujara, unique terraces of secluded settlements called "lazy" around Hriňová, folklore costumers and the cuisine of Detva.

5. Upper Orava – the far north
In addition to a monumental castle, excellent air, deep forests, traditional cheeses and peaks of the Tatra mountains in the background.

6. Stone balls in Kysuce
Maybe not from aliens, but certainly supernaturally looking.

7. Highlands Cerová vrchovina
Discover volcanic stone fall, Fiľakovo castle and interesting thermophilic vegetation.

8. Spišská Magura
Get to know the culture of the Gorals and unique villages Ždiar and Osturňa - close to the tourist centre of the High Tatras.

9. Beech woods and wooden churches of the Eastern Carpathians
You will find mystique also in extraordinarily preserved primeval forests as well as in Orthodox churches of the north-eastern Slovakia.

10. Tokaj
Wine cellars cut into volcanic rock are up to 8 metres deep. And you can taste excellent aromatic wines in them.

Author: Branislav Chrenka, Marián Ondrišík