St. Martin's Days

Location: Bratislavský kraj, Bratislava

GPS: N48°8'45'' E17°6'26''

Venue: Bratislava

Date: 11/8/2019 - 11/10/2019

Event type: theatre festival, gastronomic event, religious event, market, exhibition, TOP Event, event for children, event for youth, workshop

Bratislava will again come to life on the St. Martin's Days during the autumn. The capital will play host to the 2018 St. Martin's Days, the twelweth annual version. This event is also known to both citizens and visitors of the Slovak metropolis as the St. Catherine’s Young Wine Tasting and this year it comes with this degustation once again.

A wine tasting event. It's about time to taste the young wine from this year and exactly this is the aim of St. Martin's Days. Bratislavas wine makers will offer their youngest wines every day during the event between noon and 10 p.m. A part of the event will also be the benediction of the young wine in the St. Luis Chapel in Primate's Palace.
It is not merely a celebration of the tremendous effort and results of vintners from Bratislava and other parts of Slovakia, but also of the Region's pursuit to strengthen the historical awareness Bratislava's citizens hold for their own traditions.

Wine has a 3000 years long tradition in Bratislava and the country around. The hills around have fertile ground are filled with sun, which are ideal conditions for the grapewine production. No wonder, that it was a most important wine production region within Slovakia, in the past favoured by the Empress Maria Theresa.

Web: Bratislava Tourist Board
