Regular events
There is a lot of various cultural, folklore or sports events taking place regularly in Slovakia. Many of internationally accomplished artists and sportsmen or women perform here. Therefore, it is worth to consider the date of your trip to Slovakia in relation to one of these events. You can read about the most interesting ones in the list below. Exact dates as well as information about other events are to be found in actual event calendar.
Echoes of Old Slavic under Kráľova hoľa mountain (July)
Spišské trhy Fair (July)
The European Folk Craft Festival - EĽRO (July)
The Summer Shakespeare´s Festival (July, August)
Made in Slovakia (July-August)
The Days of Master Pavol International Cultural Festival (July - August)
The Folklore Festival Poľana (July)
The Folklore Festival Východná (the first weekend in July)
The Jánošík´s Days (July)
The Music Festival Pohoda (July)
The Pilgrimage on the Mariánska hora in Levoča (July)