The region of Banská Bystrica is very interesting because of manifold geological structure that is the cause of diversified relief in this part of Slovakia also because of raw materials resources, especially ores.
The construction of the Banská Bystrica Geopark began in 2006, and the existence and use of geological and mining sites, ecological phenomena and historical monuments of Banská Bystrica and its surroundings were prerequisites for its creation. Ore mining has been the main factor influencing life in this area in the past. Copper ores mining in the Špania Dolina, Staré Hory and Ľubietová areas were in particular known worldwide. After the mining of these deposits, many mining monuments were preserved, especially the buildings of shafts and smelting-houses, clapper, gate portals, and a sophisticated water system approximately 40 kilometres long.
The territory of the geopark is spread over an area of 886 km2 and includes the district of Banská Bystrica (town of Banská Bystrica and municipalities: Badín, Baláže, Brusno, Čerín, Dolná Mičiná, Dolný Harmanec, Donovaly, Dúbravica, Harmanec, Hiadeľ, Horná Mičiná, Horné Pršany, Hrochoť, Hronsek, Kordíky, Králiky, Kynceľová, Lučatín, Ľubietová, Malachov, Medzibrod, Motyčky, Moštenica, Môlča, Nemce, Oravce, Podkonice, Pohronský Bukovec, Poniky, Povrazník, Priechod, Riečka, Sebedín-Bečov, Selce, Slovenská Ľupča, Staré Hory, Strelníky, Špania Dolina, Tajov, Turecká, Vlkanová), Žiar nad Hronom (town of Kremnica) and Brezno (municipalities of Nemecká and Ráztoka ).
The geopark territory is divided into geo-mining areas of three categories with altogether 292 sites. Since 2016, the geopark is the national geopark of the Slovak Republic, included in the Network of Geoparks of the Slovak Republic.
The geopark is a phenomenon that returns people to the roots, and at the same time, it preserves values for the future, being not only a product, but also an area of extraordinary value. It is built and operated through active cooperation between regional and local self-government, professional institutions and private sector representatives.